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October 2024

More Scent Work Competition Successes!


Over 12th and 13th October we attended the Dogs Victoria State Scent Work Trial.  There were over 900 entries.  This sport has taken off!!!  Saturday was for Novice and Sunday was for Advanced dogs.


Ch. Diamondswiss Prom Queen "Reign" passed all her final elements in Containers, Vehicles and Interior gaining her Novice Scent Work Title.   We have lots of work to get her ready for the next level which is locating 2 "hides" of any of 4 different odours. 


Our good friend Mardi and Diamondswiss Greatest Showman TDX "Darryl" also passed his final elements to also title in Novice Scent Work!!!


We then went back on Sunday for Advanced with "Ivy" Ch. Diamondswiss Jewel of Centurio RN. SWN. who passed Exterior and Vehicles but missed the 2nd hide in Containers and so she missed out on her Advance Title (but came 3rd fastest in Vehicles).  She needs 1 more pass in Containers to title and move up to "Excellent" level.  This sport is so much fun.




Below L-R:  Reign, Ivy and Darryl

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Woo Hoo Little Miss Reign did it again!


The following weekend on 21st we entered Warragul Scent Work Trial and Reign again achieved passes in:


Novice Exterior and Novice Interior, placing 6th and 8th with great times. 


This time she was more relaxed and focussed but still needs loads more training.

Only 1 more pass and she has her first Title at the other end of her name!



Diamondswiss Greatest Showman TDX "Darryl" and Mardi were also at the trial and also passed both Novice Exterior and Interior tests with great times.  Reign had a wonderful day being able to play with her half brother in between the tests.


Above R: Reign and Below R: Darryl


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Darry SW passes 21-09-24.jpg
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