June 2023
After a break from showing due to there not being anything indoors for us (and I hate being outside in the cold!), we finally were once again indoors at KCC Park.
Khaleesi, in her usual style took out Best Neuter in Group at the West Gippsland Kennel Club under Mr Warren Greasley.
And in a very exciting finish to her showing debut, at only 9 months old, Spirit took out 2 x Best of Breeds gaining her last 15 points to gain her title of Australian Champion!!!

On the coldest day I can remember, Ivy gained her 5th and 6th Scent Work Novice passes in Interior and Exterior to gain her SW Novice title at the Frankston trial on 25th June. She has worked in some challenging conditions but with very cold, wet weather and high winds, I was wearing 5 layers including a woollen jumper and heated jacket. Ivy has dropped all her coat for a 2nd shed this year and could not have cared less!