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G  Litter

G Litter announcement.jpg

On Monday 23rd December Lola gave birth to 8 very healthy puppies:  4 girls and 4 boys! 


Lola pups just born.jpg
Lola pups just born pups only.jpg
Lola whelping pause with pups.jpg

Diamondswiss Ghostly Ice Queen

Green 7 weeks.jpg

Gone to a wonderful home in SA where she is now known as Layla.  She is also telling them she only likes chicken!!!!!

Diamondswiss Glamour Girl

Orange 7 weeks.jpg

Also gone to a lovely home in SA with Sarah where she is now known as Sadie.  Below at 7 months.


Diamondswiss Graceful Mila

Pink 7 weeks.jpg
Purple 7 weeks.jpg

Mila is living a very pampered life in Melbourne with the most beautiful, loving family.


Diamondswiss Greta Garbo

Indie is living in Melbourne with a family with 3 small children where she is the centre of attention.

Mila 8 months.jpg

Diamondswiss Guardian Spirit

Silver 7 weeks a.jpg

Olan is living the pampered life in Blackburn.  His owners were amazed at how calm he was in the recent storm.  Left 8 weeks below 8 months.

Olan 8 months.jpg

Diamondswiss Greatest Showman

Darryl has found the most amazing family, 35 minutes from me.  They are an experienced obedience home and plan to do scent training to look for koalas after the recent fires that have destroyed much of the forest and wildlife near where they live.  I am expecting regular play dates!!!

Below 7 months.

Darryl 8 months.jpg
Black 9 weeks b.jpg

Diamondswiss Guard N Protect

Winter is living the dream life in Point Cook next to his own lake!!!

Picture right at 7 months.

Blue 7 weeks b.jpg
Winter 8 months.jpg

Diamondswiss Great White Ghost

Red 7 weeks b.jpg

Atlas is now in Canberra living a very spoilt life with a lovely couple who drove down twice to meet him!!!  He has his own wardrobe of bandanas!!

Atlas carried.jpg
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